KJV Gift & Award Bible: King James Version, Black, Imitation Leather, Gift & Award
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Rs. 550.00 Rs. 1,200.00
Author: Hendrickson Publishers
Brand: Hendrickson Publishers
Color: Black
Edition: Black
Number Of Pages: 640
Details: The beloved and timeless King James Version is made available in an affordable edition for Sunday schools, Bible clubs, church presentations, and giveaways. Offering affordable quality, these handsome award Bibles will withstand heavy use thanks to better quality paper and supple but sturdy cover material. * A great way to honor special achievements-at a budget-conscious price * A spectrum of attractive colors-black, burgundy, blue, royal purple, dark green, pink, and white-suit any occasion * Imitation leather, 640 pages, 51/2 x 81/2 inches * Clear 7-point type * Color maps and presentation page * Shipped with an attractive four-color half-wrap and shrink-wrap
EAN: 9781598560206
Release Date: 01-02-2006
Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.6 x 1.1 inches
Languages: English
Binding: Imitation Leather