
Telugu Bibles - తెలుగు బైబిల్స్

Rs. 899.00
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TELUGU BIBLE PADAKOSAMU - తెలుగు బైబిల్ పదకోసము

Regular price Rs. 899.00 Rs. 1,000.00
The Telugu Bible Phrasebook is a unique and invaluable resource for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the Telugu language and the Bible. This phrasebook is specifically designed to help Telugu speakers read and understand the Bible...
Rs. 1,750.00
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DANIEL BILLINGUAL TELUGU & ENGLISH - డేనియల్ తెలుగు & ఇంగ్లీష్ బైబ...

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The Daniel Bilingual Telugu & English Bible is a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Scriptures. This Bible features both the Telugu and English translations side by side on each page, making it easy...
Rs. 1,650.00

Telugu Senior Citizen Zipper

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Rs. 1,650.00
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Rs. 1,100.00
Rs. 1,100.00
Rs. 1,100.00
Rs. 1,100.00

Telugu OV Gilt DY TI Blue PU Yaap

Regular price Rs. 1,100.00
telugu blue pu lether bible with thumb index
Rs. 1,100.00

Telugu OV Gilt DY TI Black PU Yaap

Regular price Rs. 1,100.00
telugu pu leather bible with thumb index