THINK OF YOUR FUTURE [MARATHI] - तुमच्या भविष्याचा विचार करा [मराठी]
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Rs. 23.00 Rs. 39.00
To serve in a small way is a noble vocation in this age where the world glorifies success in business and the professions. To be a garbage collector in the will of God is better than to be the main man outside of His will. This book
- Helps one to hold the key of ones own tomorrow
- Suggests the best way in which one can invest time/talent/treasure
- Guides one to an unconditional yielding to his Lord and Maker
छोट्या मार्गाने सेवा करणे हा या युगात एक उदात्त व्यवसाय आहे जिथे जग व्यवसाय आणि व्यवसायातील यशाचे गौरव करते. देवाच्या इच्छेनुसार कचरा वेचणारे बनणे हे त्याच्या इच्छेबाहेरील मुख्य मनुष्य होण्यापेक्षा चांगले आहे. हे पुस्तक
उद्याची चावी स्वतःकडे ठेवण्यास मदत करते
वेळ/प्रतिभा/खजिना गुंतवण्याचा सर्वोत्तम मार्ग सुचवतो
एखाद्याला त्याच्या प्रभु आणि निर्मात्याला बिनशर्त नमतेसाठी मार्गदर्शन करते
సంబంధిత ఉత్పత్తులు
GODS AMAZING GRACE [MARATHI] - देवांची अद्भुत कृपा [मराठी]
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Gods Amazing Grace takes the readers on a thrilling expedition to discover the breath-taking heights and soul-stirring depths of Gods Grace. It is one of the key issues of Christianity, characterized by a clarity and economy of words in...
THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE [MARATHI] - प्रेमाची क्रांती [मराठी]
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George Verwer?s classic message The Revolution of Love has been used to point men and women to this central theme of the Christian life for over twenty-five years. In this updated edition it is joined by more recent messages...
TRUE DISCIPLESHIP [MARATHI] - खरे शिष्यत्व [मराठी]
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To be a disciple of the Lord Jesus, one must forsake all. This is the unmistakable meaning of the words of the Saviour. No matter how much we might object to such an ?extreme? demand, no matter how much...
FORWARD IN FAITH [MARATHI] - विश्वासाने पुढे जा [मराठी]
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Rs. 49.00
“Forward in Faith” conducts the reader from Pharaohs’ land of bondage into the Promised Land of spiritual blessing. It will encourage a life of faith by contemplating the awesome Holiness of God; the ‘Finished Work’ of the Lamb of...
GRACE AWAKENED LEADERSHIP [MARATHI] - ग्रेस जागृत नेतृत्व [मराठी]
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George Verwers approach to mission is down-to-earth, honest and thoroughly biblical. His books prepare and encourage readers for new challenges. Grace Awakened Leadership is a plea for reality, and readers may be driven deeper into Gods Word to know...