EVERY DAY WITH JESUS - HOLY SPIRIT (HINDI) - हर दिन यीशु के साथ - पवित्र आत्मा (हिंदी)
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EVERY DAY WITH JESUS-PRAYER (HINDI) - हर दिन यीशु-प्रार्थना के साथ ...
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Prayer is essential if we are to enjoy a close relationship with God and grow as Christians. And yet so many of us struggle with it. In this issue, Selwyn Hughes explores some of the difficulties we can experience...
KNOWING THE LIVING GOD (HINDI) - जीवित परमेश्वर को जानना (हिंदी)
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Rs. 250.00
Knowing the Living God can be used as a 13-week study for individuals, families, Sunday school classes, small groups, and churches. Only the truths of Scripture, understood with the mind and communicated through doctrine, can provide that sure foundation upon...
ABLAZE FOR GOD [HINDI] - भगवान के लिए आग [हिंदी]
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Rs. 179.00
Wesley L. Duewel in his book on leadership Ablaze for God speaks on the spiritual dynamics of leadership and how one can be more a person of God, aflame for God, anointed and empowered by God ? truly a...
True Discipleship (Hindi) - सच्ची शिष्यता (हिंदी)
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Rs. 129.00
To be a disciple of the Lord Jesus, one must forsake all. This is the unmistakable meaning of the words of the Saviour. No matter how much we might object to such an ?extreme? demand, no matter how much...
ANSWERS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE [HINDI] - आपकी शादी के जवाब [हिंदी]
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Rs. 199.00
आंसर्स फॉर योर मैरिज प्यार, सेक्स और बच्चों के पालन-पोषण से जुड़े गंभीर सवालों और मुद्दों से संबंधित है। यह उन लोगों के लिए एक मददगार मार्गदर्शक होगा जो जल्द ही शादी करने की योजना बना रहे हैं और...
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Rs. 129.00
The Bible not only gives us profiles of God?s chosen leaders but also lays down principles that go to make a good leader. Paul Marsh, in this straight forward account, gleans these principles from the Bible to put together...