Believe: The Hope of Easter
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Regular price Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00
Author: Frazee, Randy
Brand: Zondervan
Color: brown
Format: Import
Number Of Pages: 89
Ideal giveaway or for personal use in preparation for Easter.
Celebrate Easter with this booklet designed to focus our attention on the core teachings of Scripture, a perfect tie-in to the season, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. Based on chapter selections from NIV, Believe—a unique spiritual growth experience using carefully selected Scripture from the New International Version—this booklet unlocks the key belief, practice, and virtue that holds the secret to God’s promise of hope.
This booklet is in a readable 11.5-point type size perfect for readers of all ages.
EAN: 9780310437604
Release Date: 27-01-2015
Package Dimensions: 6.6 x 4.1 x 0.6 inches
Languages: english
Binding: Paperback