God's Church My Place: What it means to belong to a Christian community
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Rs. 215.00 Rs. 225.00
What does being involved in church mean in practical terms? Christian communities are full of people exercising ministries, doing useful work and, well, helping others. How do we find our place? God's Church My Place is a book for people who want to serve God and need to work out the where, when and how of that. It covers important topics such as church structure, worship, prayers, serving and the precarious state of the coffee - and all done thoroughly biblically. It will not push you into leadership but value your membership. Like Steve's previous book Mustard Seed Shavings, each chapter ends with a pause for thought, a couple of discussion questions and a brief prayer. It might be useful to read it with a small group.
Author: Tilley, Steve
Number Of Pages: 144
EAN: 9780857460110
Release Date: 22-06-2012
Languages: English
Binding: Paperback